As pet parents ourselves, we know your dog is a member of your family and we want you to feel confident in your choice of sitter or dog walker.
Every sitter and dog walker who lists their services on Rover has been thoroughly reviewed by the Rover Sitter team. Sitters and dog walkers must be at least 18 years old. They must also:
- build a profile with details about their pet care experience
- upload photos
- request testimonials from past clients
- complete a background check
- take a safety quiz
Rover also provides ongoing educational opportunities so sitters and dog walkers have the tools they need to offer world-class care. We also provide the Rover Guarantee for all stays and walks booked through Rover.
Tip: Before booking with a sitter, we always recommend scheduling an in-person Meet & Greet. This way, you can see whether your sitter or dog walker is the perfect fit.