Inbox Help
What do the insights on my dashboard mean?

Insights are helpful resources for you to better understand how your business is doing. The insights on your dashboard are divided into five sections and are only visible to you:

Note: If you reside in one of the cities where the Star Sitter program is currently available, you'll see a Star Sitter tab that shows your stats and Star Sitter status. To learn more about Star Sitter insights, visit this article.

To view your insights dashboard, you'll need to use the Rover app. From there, select More, then Insights.


Overview of the dashboard

Here’s an overview of each section on your dashboard. 

Star rating

This section shows your average star rating for all bookings with reviews, along with the total number of reviews you received from your clients.
Note: Your review count will update within 24 hours after you and your client leave feedback for each other. 



This section shows when you last updated your calendar. To make changes, tap Update calendar.

Requests & bookings

This section provides an overview of booking history, and a chart displaying the number of profile views, requests, and bookings you've received.

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Service info

From here, you can view the total and repeat bookings by individual service, or by all services. 

Chart data

This section shows the number of profile views over the past 6 months. 

New client booking rate

This stat uses the last 25 new client requests you've received and shows how often you booked with a new client. It also provides a comparison to the new booking rate of other sitters in your area. 

Note: Turning down requests that don't match your preferences or availability don't count towards your new client booking rate. If you receive requests that make you feel unsafe—or they violate our Terms of Service (like paying for the service outside of Rover)—report them through Rover. Declining these types of requests won’t affect your stats.

Learn more about reporting conversations here.



The stats on your responses to requests are for all services. This also includes data on how those stats compare to other sitters in your area. These stats are:

  • Response rate: The number of the last 25 initial messages from pet parents that you responded to within 24 hours.

  • Response time: The average length of time it takes to respond to initial messages from owners. Note: This time only counts between 8am to 9pm daily (in your local time) and doesn't take into account overnight hours.


Last-minute cancellations

This section displays all last-minute cancellations that were initiated by you, the sitter, for all services. Last-minute cancellations are defined as any booking you cancel within 5 days or less from the start of a booking.
